Jake Morabito

Special guest

Jake Morabito is the Director of the Communications and Technology Task Force at the American Legislative Exchange Council.

Prior to joining ALEC, Jake was the Program Manager for Software.org: the BSA Foundation, a nonprofit research organization based in Washington, DC, providing policy research, analysis, and project management support for the Foundation’s key initiatives. In this capacity, he focused on policy areas including 5G telecommunications, the economic impact of software on the U.S. economy, the future of work, and STEM education issues.

Jake also worked in the Capitol Hill office of U.S. Representative Darrell E. Issa of California, serving constituents in his hometown communities of South Orange County and Northern San Diego County. As Legislative Assistant, he supported Rep. Issa on a range of policy issues—including internet and technology policy, health care, education, and the Foreign Affairs Committee portfolio—and helped co-found the Congressional Smart Cities Caucus in 2018.

Jake Morabito has been a guest on 4 episodes.